
Habit Reception and Simple Professions 2016

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This video shows a brief account of the Mass during which the new novices of the Irish Province of the Dominican Order receive their habit. The reception of the habit, on the feast day of the Exaltation of the Cross which is the Feast of the Province, marks the start of their noviciate. In the noviciate the new novices continue to discern their vocation to the Dominicans in the coming year.

In the second part the outgoing novices make their Simple Profession. They promise obedience to the Master of the Order for three years and Fr. Gregory Carroll OP, prior provincial, takes the vows representing the Master of the Order. The newly professed brothers will now start their formal studies in our studium in St. Saviour's, Dublin.

Publication Date: 2016-09-21 10:53:38
Site: Dominicans Interactive, Irish Province | Categories: Videos, | Views: 5460